All About Wines

位置: Hong Kong

星期一, 8月 28, 2006

Second Wines & 1996 Marquis D'Alesme Becker

1855 Medoc Grand Cru Classe現有61瓶酒,單是要飲齊61支酒,已是非常艱鉅的任務。如果平均每支酒值五舊,單計酒價已是$30,500!而且要找齊這61支酒就更加困難。筆者要用上5年時間才能找齊。

不要以為在法國或英國可以找到全部酒,結果可能失望,因為有部份酒莊只出口到歐州,亞洲、美洲也少見。其中一支酒就好難找,足足找了五年才找到。不是最後在法國或英國找到,而是機場免稅品店。它就是Marquis d’Alesme Becker,一瓶Margaux區的酒。


下一個目標是找尋61個酒莊的second wine,工程就更浩大,而且除花錢之外,還要哽好多支可能普通,甚至難飲的酒。以下就是能找到second wine的名稱,有星的代表未飲或未見過:

Château Lafite-Rothschild , Carruades de Lafite
Chäteau Latour , Forts de Latour (Pauillac de Latour 3rd wine)
Château Margaux , Pavillon Rouge
Château Mouton-Rothschild , Petit Mouton
Château Haut-Brion , Château Bahans Haut Brion
Château Brane-Cantenac , Baron de Brane
Château Cos-d'Estournel , Les Pagodes de Cos
Château Ducru-Beaucaillou , Croix de Beaucaillou
Château Durfort-Viviens , Château Ludon Pomies Agassac *
Château Durfort-Viviens , Moulin de la Lagune*
Château Gruaud-Larose , Château Lady Langoa* (Sarget de Gruaud Larose?)
Château Lascombes , Chevalier de Lascombes (segonne?)
Château Léoville-Barton , Réserve Léoville Barton
Château Léoville-Las-Cases , Clos du Marquis
Château Léoville-Poyferré , Château Moulin Riche
Château Léoville-Poyferré , Pavillon des Connétables (3rd wine?)
Château Montrose , Dame de Montrose
Château Pichon-Lalande , Réserve de la Comtesse
Château Pichon-Longueville Baron , Tourelles de Longueville
Château Rausan-Ségla , Ségla
Château Calon-Ségur , Marquis de Calon
Château Cantenac-Brown , Château Canuet* (Brio?)
Château Desmirail , Château Fontarney*
Château Ferrière , Remparts de Ferrière*
Château Giscours , Sirène de Giscours
Château d'Issan , Blason d'Issan
Château Kirwan , Charmes de Kirwan
Château Lagrange , Fiefs de Lagrange
Château La Lagune , Château Ludon Pomies Agassac*
Château La Lagune , Moulin de la Lagune*
Château Langoa-Barton , Château Lady Langoa
Château Malescot-Saint-Exupéry , Dame de Malescot
Château Malescot-Saint-Exupéry , Château Loyac* (La Dame de Malescot?)
Château Marquis d'Alesme-Becker , Marquise d'Alesme*
Château Palmer , Alter Ego de Palmer (Reserve du General?)
Château Beychevelle , Amiral de Beychevelle
Château Beychevelle , Brulières de Beychevelle (3rd wine?)
Château Branaire-Ducru , Château Duluc
Château Branaire-Ducru , Château la Rose de France*
Château Duhart-Milon-Rothschild , Moulin de Duhart
Château La Tour-Carnet , Douves de Carnet*
Château Lafon-Rochet , Pèlerins de Lafon-Rochet (La Secret de Lafon Rochet?)
Château Marquis-de-Terme , Terme des Gondats*
Château Pouget , Tour Massac*
Château Prieuré-Lichine , Cloître du château Prieuré-Lichine
Château Talbot , Connétable de Talbot
Château Belgrave , Diane de Belgrave*
Château Camensac , Closerie de Camensac*
Château Camensac , Bailly de Camensac*
Château Cantermerle , Allées de Cantemerle
Château Cos-Labory , Charme Labory*
Château Dauzac , Bastide Dauzac*
Château Grand-Puy-Ducasse , Prélude à Grand-Puy Ducasse
Château Grand-Puy-Lacoste , Lacoste-Borie
Château Grand-Puy-Lacoste , Domaine de Saint Guirous*
Château Haut-Bages-Libéral , Chapelle de Bages
Château Haut-Batailley , Château la Tour l'Aspic
Château Lynch-Bages , Château Haut-Bages Averous
Château Lynch-Moussas , Château Haut-Madrac*
Château Pédesclaux , Château Haut Padarnac*
Château Pontet-Canet , Château les Hauts de Pontet
Château du Tertre , Hauts du Tertre

Rauzan Gassies 2000

被人遺忘的二級莊Rauzan Gassies

早前在榮仕廊見到一瓶300多元的2000 bordeaux,一看便有似曾相識的感覺,酒名叫做 Chevalier de Rauzan Gassies,一看便知是二級莊Rauzan Gassies的second wine。因未喝過的關係,所以買了一瓶回來,與2000年正酒一起比拼。

Chevalier de Rauzan Gassies 20000

Second wine 似終是 second wine,質量與正酒仍有一段距離。Nose尚算乾淨,但入口簡單。相等於百多元的餐酒質素,相信單是2000 label已值兩舊。只可以說有趣。*/*

Chateau Rauzan Gassies 2000

正酒在nose及complexity遠比second wine 優勝。感覺上比年前之時有進步。**/*

以下是Parker的TN (RP 90)

The finest wine I have tasted from this estate in over four decades, this dense purple-colored 2000 offers up a sweet perfume of black cherry liqueur intermixed with cassis, graphite, licorice, and incense. Full-bodied and concentrated, with high tannin and loads of extract, this is a serious, broodingly backward, high class offering for patient connoisseurs. Anticipated maturity: 2008-2022.

星期六, 8月 26, 2006

1982 Bordeaux


1982 La Mission Haut Brion
1982 Canon
1982 Leoville Las Cases, Leoville Barton 及 Leoville Poyferree 三兄弟
1982 Pichon Lalande
1982 Cos D'Estournel
1982 La Dominique

1982 Gloria
1982 Poujeaux
1982 La Louviere

星期六, 8月 19, 2006

Dinner @ Xi Yan 2006-08-17 Part 2


2002 Xitindi, Saint Emilion + 2003 white -> drinable
2002 Oyster Bay Sauvignon Blanc, New Zealand -> very nice
2002 Louis Latour Macon-Lugny Les Genievres, Burgundy -> the best of 3
2003 Louis Latour Macon-Lugny Les Genievres, Burgundy -> the worst of 3
2004 Louis Latour Macon-Lugny Les Genievres Burgundy -> in the middle
2003 Chateau Lascombes, Margaux -> as good as usual
2003 Chateau Kirwan, Margaux -> elegant
2002 Chateau Carmes de Riesseuc, Sauternes 375ml -> nice wine

Dinner @ Xi Yan 2006-08-17 Part 1





星期三, 8月 09, 2006

2006-08-08 @ Sheraton - Wine Part 2

1983 Salon Blanc de Blanc Le Mesnil

* bought from New York, half dead. Slightly better than previous bottle. Very difficult to handle with blanc de blanc. **
1988 Ruinart Dom Ruinart Rose Brut Vintage
* one of my favourite Rose champagne, nice and decent finish ****
1990 Bollinger Champagne RD Extra Brut
* bought from Malaysia duty free, degorged 2004, another good example of 90 champagne. Very good. ****

2002 Domaine Chandon de Briailles Corton Le Charlemagne

* Not Corton Charlemagne? I don't know. good acidity but the nose is not really Corton class. **/*
2003 Domaine Ramonet Bienvenues Batard Montrachet
* Milk powder, creamly nose, very BBM like in the nose, similiary to 2002 version. But low in acidity and tasted slightly flat. Not bad at all. ***/*
2003 Chateau de la Guimoniere, Coteaux Du Layon, Loire ?
* Does it make by Chenin Blanc grapes? Not my type of sweet wine, I still prefer sauternes. **

1997 Domaine Christian Serafin Charmes Chambertin

* very nice nose, typical Serafin signature. Because the vintage character, it was quite light and it is the right time to drink. ***/*
1981 Chateau Mouton Rothschild Pauillac
* off vintage but in good shape, clean nose but not intense, lack of typical Mouton roasted coffee arosma. light to medium, nice to drink but not great. ***
1982 Chateau Canon Saint Emilion Premier Grand Cru (Classe B)
* another good example to show why the people like to drink old, aged bordeaux. ****
1986 Penfolds Wines Grange Hermitage, Barossa Valley, Australia
* very smooth, silky, typical Grange like arosma. This wine was a little bit closed, not open. You can see the potential but it does not reveal at this moment. Very nice wine anyway. ****
1996 Domaine Henri Perrot Minot Charmes Chambertin
* I like the Chambolle Musigny more than the Charmes Chambertin from this domaine. However, this bottle was nice. ***/*
1993 Penfolds Wines Bin 707 Cabernet Sauvignon, Barossa Valley, Australia
* unmistakable style of 707, nicely oaked. But this bottle was quite acidic. ***
1985 Chateau Leoville Las Cases Saint Julien
* It may be one of the best Leoville Las Cases to drink right now. Lovely. ****
1995 James Irvine Grand Merlot Eden Valley, Australia
* interesting wine and it was said that it can rival to Petrus. ***
2002 Chateau Lafite Rothschild, Pauillac
* This time was a little closed, not much nose reveal but nice to drink. ****
2003 Torbreck Run Rig Barossa Valley, Australia
* another big Australian wine, still preserves the elegant style of Run Rig but not in the league of 98, 01 and 02.***

2006-08-08 @ Sheraton - Wine Part 1

2006-08-08 @ Sheraton wine list

1983 Salon Blanc de Blanc Le Mesnil
1988 Ruinart Dom Ruinart Rose Brut Vintage
1990 Bollinger Champagne RD Extra Brut

2002 Domaine Chandon de Briailles Corton Le Charlemagne
2003 Domaine Ramonet Bienvenues Batard Montrachet
2003 Chateau de la Guimoniere, Coteaux Du Layon, Loire ?

1997 Domaine Christian Serafin Charmes Chambertin
1981 Chateau Mouton Rothschild Pauillac
1982 Chateau Canon Saint Emilion Premier Grand Cru (Classe B)
1986 Penfolds Wines Grange Hermitage, Barossa Valley, Australia
1996 Domaine Henri Perrot Minot Charmes Chambertin
1993 Penfolds Wines Bin 707 Cabernet Sauvignon, Barossa Valley, Australia
1985 Chateau Leoville Las Cases Saint Julien
1995 James Irvine Grand Merlot Eden Valley, Australia
2002 Chateau Lafite Rothschild, Pauillac
2003 Torbreck Run Rig Barossa Valley, Australia

星期六, 8月 05, 2006

Kowloon Villas - Wines

2006-08-04 wine @ Kowloon Villas
九龍山莊 – 三姐海鮮飯店

2004 Verget Pouilly Fuisse “Terrior de Vergisson” La Roche -> WA91
2003 Reserve de la Comtesse, Pauillac -> nice but straight forward, simple
2000 La Fleur de Bouard, Lalande de Pomerol -> shadow of L'Angelus RP90
2000 Chateau Lagrange, Saint Julien -> very nice, RP93
2003 Chateau Boyd-Cantenac, Margaux -> good drink, RP90?

Kowloon Villas - Food Part 2

2006-08-04 food @ Kowloon Villas
九龍山莊 – 三姐海鮮飯店

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